AfricArXiv & ScienceOpen partnership
Contribute to the AfricArXiv curation and moderation portal on ScienceOpen

- Search and discover relevant research
- Share your expertise and get credit by commenting on or publicly peer-reviewing any article
- Apply to be a Collection Editor and advance your research field in the open
After registration, you may make use of all of the interactive tools available on ScienceOpen – free of charge. Find more information and register at
The partnership between ScienceOpen and AfricArXiv
AfricArXiv and Scienceopen announced our partnership in January 2020:
- Super Collection:
- AfricArXiv preprints, incl. manuscript upload and peer review:
- COVID-19 Research in and about Africa:
Funds raised here will be used to cover
- 50% team ScienceOpen: digital infrastructure
- 50% team AfricArXiv: curation and submission moderation