European Strike with Greta 6 March
On the 6th of March youth from all over Europe joined by Greta Thunberg will strike in Brussels. Help us cover travel expenses for young activists.
(Nederlandse instructies onderaan)
About the strike
The EU Green Deal needs to show the world that Europe is taking a leading role in fighting climate change. But, after an analysis, we see that the Green Deal is not at all sufficient to truly safeguard our future, it’s rather a ‘green bullshit’. The climate targets that the Green Deal puts forward are not enough to limit global warming to the 1,5°C needed to prevent tipping points of climate destruction and not even enough to stay under 2°C.
If Europe wants to really take its historical responsibility, the EU needs to show that they are willing to fight for our future. They need to be clear about this and openly state that the strongest shoulders have to carry the largest burdens, and big polluters can’t keep on avoiding their responsibilities. Above all else it has to be a fair and social deal where we leave no one behind.
We need you, all of you to join us in the streets to make this message clear. We, Europeans have set global warming in motion, it’s now up to us to take our historical responsibility.
Facebook event:
If Europe wants to really take its historical responsibility, the EU needs to show that they are willing to fight for our future. They need to be clear about this and openly state that the strongest shoulders have to carry the largest burdens, and big polluters can’t keep on avoiding their responsibilities. Above all else it has to be a fair and social deal where we leave no one behind.
We need you, all of you to join us in the streets to make this message clear. We, Europeans have set global warming in motion, it’s now up to us to take our historical responsibility.
Facebook event:
About the travel fund
We need a lot of people out there, on the streets. The cost of a train or bus ticket should not prevent young activists from coming to the capital of Europe to make their voice heard. We would love to make sure that as many young people as possible can come to Brussels from across Belgium and nearby countries.
To this goal, we are raising money to pay the travel costs of young strikers back, via an open and transparent travel fund. All expenses will be public (while respecting people’s privacy), funders can see exactly what their money is used for and how they are supporting and everyone will be able to see how much money is still in the fund at all times.
Please help us reach out to underprivileged communities by letting them know that this fund exists. And please only use this fund if you really need it.
About the Coronavirus
At this point the march for climate of Friday is still programmed. But since the situation may change quite quickly we recommend you to book your ticket last minute to make sure you have the latest information.
We are in touch with the organizers (who are themselves in touch with the authorities) and we will update this page as necessary if things had to change. Check also the event page on facebook.
If you come from abroad and have questions about the coronavirus in Belgium, see the official website on the topic (available in English, French, Dutch and German).
We are in touch with the organizers (who are themselves in touch with the authorities) and we will update this page as necessary if things had to change. Check also the event page on facebook.
If you come from abroad and have questions about the coronavirus in Belgium, see the official website on the topic (available in English, French, Dutch and German).
How to get your ticket reimbursed?
Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for activists to get the travel costs back. Activists should be doing activism, not administrative work :-). So here is a simple process to make your activist life easy while ensuring that the funds will be used for their intended purpose.
- Buy your train or bus ticket to Brussels to join the #FridaysForFuture strike. Use the cheapest ticket. Don’t travel alone. Make sure you are accompanied by someone over 18 if traveling abroad, or 16 within Belgium.
- Upload a picture of your ticket (or a screenshot if you buy online) to the All For Climate Travel Fund via ‘submit expense’ and follow the steps to be reimbursed via paypal or via ‘other’ (=your IBAN number)
- Add a comment to your submitted expense
- Add a link to a post on social media (twitter, facebook, instagram, …) that shows that you have participated in the climate strike. This will help us raise more money in the future! Use the #AllForClimate.
- OR upload a picture in the comment of you and your friends participating in the strike. Bonus points if you can share a short story of the day :-).
- Add the #AllForClimate on social media when you share to help us raise more money in the future.
- If all looks fine we will reimburse you within 2 weeks on your paypal address or IBAN number.
Conditions for getting your money back
- You must provide proof of your ticket (picture of ticket + picture of you participating with loads of friends :-))
- We reimburse up to €50 per journey (so up to €100 return)
- You must buy the cheapest ticket. Train, tram or bus only.
- The ticket must be used between March 4th and Friday March 6th in the morning and leaving Brussels from the 6th in the evening until Wednesday the 12th at the very latest.
- The ticket can not be coupled with any other travel fund.
Help us raise more money for future actions
- Ask your friends and family to contribute! The best way to help us is to ask people around you to make a financial contribution to this travel fund. You can also help us make sure that the people who need this the most are aware of the existence of this fund. So please share away!
- Talk about this fund and add the #AllForClimate to your pictures on social media. The more people know about this fund the better. Not only will more people know about how they can contribute to the strikes financially (in the future), it will also help more people to join the strikes. And we need a lot of people to have our voices heard. Please help us especially to reach out to underprivileged communities.
If you have time, you can also help us sort through the submissions. Just send a message to our collective with your availability.
What if I can’t advance the money for my train/bus ticket?
Just use a screenshot of the website with the price of your train/bus ticket when you file your expense. We will then be able to confirm your eligibility. With that, we hope that you should be able to find a friend that can pay the ticket for you and that we will reimburse. Make sure that you keep the receipt and the ticket (a picture of it is fine) as we will need it to disburse the fund.
Will there be other travel funds for other strikes in the future?
We would love to. Our goal here is to learn how we can quickly create such travel fund in an effective and transparent way and then enable anyone in the movement to create their own for other actions in a decentralized way. We will improve the recipe together over time with all our different experiences. So please provide feedback (you can create public conversations here).
Just use a screenshot of the website with the price of your train/bus ticket when you file your expense. We will then be able to confirm your eligibility. With that, we hope that you should be able to find a friend that can pay the ticket for you and that we will reimburse. Make sure that you keep the receipt and the ticket (a picture of it is fine) as we will need it to disburse the fund.
Will there be other travel funds for other strikes in the future?
We would love to. Our goal here is to learn how we can quickly create such travel fund in an effective and transparent way and then enable anyone in the movement to create their own for other actions in a decentralized way. We will improve the recipe together over time with all our different experiences. So please provide feedback (you can create public conversations here).
Hoe krijg je je ticket terugbetaald?
Ons doel is om het voor elke activist makkelijk te maken om je reiskosten terugbetaald te krijgen. Activisten moeten aan acties doen, geen administratie. Daarom hier het proces om jouw leven makkelijker te maken en die ons er tegelijkertijd doen in slagen om de fondsen te gebruiken voor het juiste doel.
- Koop je bus- of treinticket naar Brussel om deel te nemen aan de #FridaysForFuture strike. Koop het goedkoopste ticket. Reis niet alleen. Wees er zeker dat er iemand ouder dan 18 met je meereist als je uit het buitenland komt, of iemand ouder dan 16 als je binnen België reist.
- Laad een foto op van je ticket (of een screenshot als je online koopt) via 'submit expense' (= dien je kosten in) op deze pagina en volg de stapjes om via Paypal of via 'other' (= je rekeningnummer, geef het in bij 'comments').
- Voeg een commentaar toe aan je 'expense'
- voeg een link toe naar een post op social media (twitter, Facebook, instagram, ...) die aantoont dat je deelgenomen hebt aan de mars. Dit helpt ons om in de toekomst meer geld in te zamelen voor #AllForClimate.
- OF laad een foto op van jezelf en je vrienden die deelnemen aan de mars. Bonuspunten als je een klein verhaal kan delen :-)
- Gebruik de #AllForClimate op sociale media, je helpt hiermee om meer geld te verzamelen voor de klimaatstrijd.
- Als alles er goed uitziet, krijg je binnen 2 weken je geld teruggestort op je Paypal of IBAN nummer.

Voorwaarden om je geld terug te krijgen
- Je moet een bewijs van je ticket en een bewijs van deelname kunnen tonen. (een foto van je ticket + een foto van jou met een hoop vrienden in de mars :-)
- We betalen tot €50 terug per reis (dus tot €100 heen en terug)
- Het ticket moet worden gebruikt tussen 4 maart en 6 maart en tussen 6 en 12 maart voor de terugreis.
- Het ticket kan niet gekoppeld worden aan een ander reisfonds.
2 individuals and 1 organization have contributed to this goal
Join us in contributing to this tier!
Fridays for F...
European Strike with Greta ...
€5,000 EUR
Gower Street
European Strike with Greta ...
€5,000 EUR
European Strike with Greta ...
€100 EUR
European Strike with Greta ...
€50 EUR