Open Collective
Open Collective
Anthony Collective Redistribution, April 2024
Published on April 30, 2024 by Anthony Fu

Hello everyone! This month, on the 20th, we launched this Open Collective, aiming to provide better support for our underlying dependencies and contributors! Where you can learn more in this blog post: Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding.

We only had 10 days this month, but we were able to raise the fund of $269.17 USD, thanks to our awesome sponsors!

This month, we have redistributed $100 to each of the following two projects:

  • Iconify: Iconify is an open-source project that provides the infrastructure for almost all open-source icon sets (~200,000 icons available at this moment). The universal icon solutions allow you to avoid icon set vendor-lockin and swap to different icons and styles easily by changing the icon ids. If you are using UnoCSS Icons, unplugin-icons, Nuxt Icon, Icônes, etc, you are already depending on it. Collecting icons from so many icon sets, doing SVG normalizations, and building the infrastructure take tremendous effort. Iconify also provides a free public API where you can load any icon dynamically from the client side. According to them, the cost of hosting those API servers is now $200/month and still growing, where the sponsorship they got still far from being able to cover the cost. 
  • markdown-it: markdown-it is the markdown-to-html engine that powers VitePress, Slidev, unplugin-vue-markdown, and so on. Essentially, there is a large proportion of docs sites depending on it. However, the funding for this project does not seem to be very well supported. Here, we do our little help to support it.

We'd like to support more projects with larger amounts when we are able to raise enough funds. And ideally, to set up monthly recurring sponsorships to some projects to help them to be more sustainable in the long run.

At the end of every month, we will do a post like this to show you how we distribute the funds. It might also be interesting to introduce you to some projects you are depending on but weren't aware of.

Thank you for your support, as well as for reading this post. If you are interested in joining the force to support our ecosystem, sponsor our Open Collective and we will manage the redistribution like this 💖. Cheers!
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