Hello everyone! In January and February 2025, we raised the fund of $1,056.37, thanks to our awesome sponsors. We are excited to welcome Vite to join the sponsorship for a $500/month!
This month, we have:
Redistributed $250 to each of the following maintainers:
- Kevin Deng (@sxzz) - Kevin maintains unplugin and the many plugins around it, providing a solid foundation for higher level integrations like Nuxt to support various build tools seamlessly with powerful code processing capability. Kevin and I recently started a new project quansync, trying to provide a new paradigm for a better async/sync authoring experience.
- Johnson Chu (@johnsoncodehk) - Johnson's new amazing project alien-signals brings signals and fine-grains reactivity to the next level. If you use Vue, you will soon benefit from its performance boost in the upcoming Vue 3.6. alien-signals has also been ported to many other languages and ecosystems like Dart, Go, Lua, etc.
- Divyansh Singh (@brc-dd) - Divyansh has been working hard maintaining and improving vitepress, the docs builders that have been used by so many frontend tools. Thanks to that, we are having great experiences building and reading docs to share and learn those great tools.
Recurringsponsorship for $50/month to the following 3 projects:
esm.sh - esm.sh is a no-build content delivery network (CDN) for modern web development. It does automatic format conversion and TypeScript transpiling to serve almost any npm packages to CDN with modern ESM format. We heavily rely on it for our playgrounds and some dynamic parts of our open-source apps. Meanwhile, they are also working on transpiling for Vue and Svelte SFC, meaning you will soon be able to ship and consume SFC without any build setup!
pnpm - pnpm is a fast, disk space-efficient package manager. It also offers first-class support of monorepo, and a bunch of handy integrations around it. At this moment, all our projects are using pnpm and benefited a lot from the time and disk space saved.
Iconify: Iconify is an open-source project that provides the infrastructure for almost all open-source icon sets (~200,000 icons available at this moment). The universal icon solutions allow you to avoid icon set vendor-lockin and swap to different icons and styles easily by changing the icon ids. If you are using UnoCSS Icons, unplugin-icons, Nuxt Icon, Icônes, etc, you are already depending on it.
As a side note, if you would also want to know that packages you are depending on in your projects, and find those who need your support, I recently built a tool node-modules-inspector to visualize your node_modules, and see your dependencies. It's one command line away, give it a try!
At the end of every month, we will do an announcement post to show you how we distribute the funds. It might also be interesting to introduce you to some projects you are depending on but weren't aware of. You can also find the previous announcement here.
Thank you for your support and for reading this post. If you are interested in joining the force to support our ecosystem, sponsor the fund, and we will manage the redistribution like this to help the ecosystem be sustainable in the long run. If you find someone's work is important to you, I'd encourage you to sponsor them directly. Thank you 💖 Cheers!