Hello everyone! In November 2024, we raised the fund of $623.71, thanks to our awesome sponsors, Logto,and many individuals.
This month, we have:
Redistributed $250 to each of the following maintainers:
- Steven Levithan (@slevithan) - Steven is undoubtedly one of the most authoritative experts on Regular Expression. His Regex+ package provides extensive enhancement to JavaScript's RexExp, allowing you to use powerful regex syntaxes that are not yet supported in JavaScript. His recent work on Oniguruma-To-ES also greatly helped Shiki's JavaScript Engine to support grammar from 81% to 91% with much more robust interoperations.
Redistributed$100 to each of the following projects:
msw - Mock Service Worker is a great library for mocking network requests in your tests. Instead of mocking your fetch requests, it mocks lower-level network layers, allowing you to write agnostic mocks that work on any frameworks/tools.
color.js - Color.js is a well-crafted color utility library that matches the latest W3C/CSS Color 4/5 specs. It makes advanced color manipulation a lot easier.
Recurringsponsorship for $50/month to the following 3 projects:
esm.sh - esm.sh is a no-build content delivery network (CDN) for modern web development. It does automatic format conversion and TypeScript transpiling to serve almost any npm packages to CDN with modern ESM format. We heavily rely on it for our playgrounds and some dynamic parts of our open-source apps. Meanwhile, they are also working on transpiling for Vue and Svelte SFC, meaning you will soon be able to ship and consume SFC without any build setup!
pnpm - pnpm is a fast, disk space-efficient package manager. It also offers first-class support of monorepo, and a bunch of handy integrations around it. At this moment, all our projects are using pnpm and benefited a lot from the time and disk space saved.
Iconify: Iconify is an open-source project that provides the infrastructure for almost all open-source icon sets (~200,000 icons available at this moment). The universal icon solutions allow you to avoid icon set vendor-lockin and swap to different icons and styles easily by changing the icon ids. If you are using UnoCSS Icons, unplugin-icons, Nuxt Icon, Icônes, etc, you are already depending on it.
At the end of every month, we will do an announcement post to show you how we distribute the funds. It might also be interesting to introduce you to some projects you are depending on but weren't aware of. You can also find the previous announcement here.
Thank you for your support and for reading this post. If you are interested in joining the force to support our ecosystem, sponsor the fund, and we will manage the redistribution like this to help the ecosystem be sustainable in the long run. If you find someone's work is important to you, I'd encourage you to sponsor them directly. Thank you 💖 Cheers!