Open Collective
Open Collective
Anthony Fu Fund Redistribution, May 2024
Published on June 6, 2024 by Anthony Fu

Hello everyone! This month, May 2024, we raised the fund of $625.83, thanks to all our awesome sponsors!

Especially shout out to Logto for a generous $512/month, and @kissu for $100/month.

With the great support and help from the Open Source Collective team, this collective now become a Fund, allowing us to distribute the funds to more projects more easily. Thanks to them!


This month, we have redistributed $200 to each of the following three maintainers:

  • Yosuke Ota (@ota-meshi): Ota is the very prolific maintainer of so many ESLint plugins, including eslint-plugin-regexp, eslint-plugin-vue, eslint-plugin-svelte, eslint-plugin-astro, eslint-plugin-jsonc, eslint-plugin-yml, etc. Without his great work, ESLint wouldn't have a vibrant ecosystem as today. Framework plugins like Vue, Svelte, Astro save us a lot of time when working with those frameworks. While plugins such as eslint-plugin-regexp helps library authors identify slow and problematic RegExp, it has a real impact on the entire ecosystem that helps to produce faster and more reliable libraries.
  • Hiroki Osame (@privatenumber): Hiroki is the creator and maintainer of tsx (TypeScript Execute), a fast and hassle-free CLI tool for running TypeScript code in Node.js. While it's very easy to use, under the surface, there is a lot of maintenance work to align with Node.js' API changes and maintain adopters for both ESM and CJS while keeping them in sync. The recently introduced tsImport() programmatic API allows libraries to import TypeScript files (e.g. config file) at runtime in an isolated environment. It's already been used in PostCSS to load their config, and it will likely soon be used for ESLint.
  • Je Xia (@ije): Je Xia is the creator and maintainer of, an ESM-based global CDN, that will smartly transpile packages into ESM on the fly. A great infrastructure that is provided free and open source. helps a lot in smoothing the experience of working with CJS libraries on the web, pushing the ecosystem toward the ESM in many ways.

Learn more about this fund in this blog post: Initiative on Sponsorship Forwarding, and find all the transactions here.


At the end of every month, we will do an announcement post to show you how we distribute the funds. It might also be interesting to introduce you to some projects you are depending on but weren't aware of. You can also find the previous announcement here.

Thank you for your support and for reading this post. If you are interested in joining the force to support our ecosystem, sponsor the fund, and we will manage the redistribution like this to help the ecosystem be sustainable in the long run. If you find someone's work is important to you, I'd encourage you to also directly sponsor them. Thank you 💖 Cheers!
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