Open Collective
Open Collective
Do you want to talk about Arthurs Hill Solidarity Fund?
Published on September 11, 2023 by Food & Solidarity

Hi everyone, I’m Willow

I'm from Australia, and I’m writing my PhD at the moment about mutual aid.
I’m focusing on the West End of Newcastle, and how mutual aid movements formed during the COVID-19 lockdown.

I have been doing some “participant observation” with Food & Solidarity for the last two months (helping with food parcels and writing about my observations), but I am also interested in the Arthur's Hill Solidarity Fund.

I am interested to talk to anybody who has ever helped or been helped by the Solidarity Fund (anyone who has received a grant or donated some money) in a casual, anonymous interview.

For anyone who has received a grant, I would love to know about the process of applying, and how it has helped you. For anyone who has donated, I would love to hear why!

It would be completely informal (maybe over coffee), unstructured (a conversation, not a list of questions) and anonymous. But, it would be audio-recorded (so I can transcribe it, without names, and then delete the recording).

Otherwise, you're welcome to contact me with any questions.

Thank you in advance!
In solidarity,

You can also read more about the project here: