Open Collective
Open Collective
50+ Yurts up in the Twin Cities!
Published on February 24, 2024 by AYU Finance Bro

It's hard to keep track of exactly how many yurts we currently have up in the cities (due to all the taking them down, moving them, and putting them up again because of evictions) but we estimate we have over 50 yurts up! Thanks so much to all the building hands, donors, and supporters. We are making positive, material impact on the lives of our cities' most marginalized people. We are building relationships and networks of solidarity with our unhoused neighbors, friends, and community members. We are fighting against the normalized dehumanization of folks on the street. Here's to many more yurts, until everyone has warm and comfortable shelter.

🎉  1👍️  1

Gary Lusso

Posted on March 6, 2024

New ideas for drilling holes and threading rope

Gary Lusso

Posted on March 7, 2024

[email protected]
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