Open Collective
Open Collective
Company/ownership changes, donations update
Published on March 11, 2024 by Perry Mitchell

Hi everyone!

It's been a huge couple of weeks for me and I'm excited to share a small update for the Buttercup platform. The original founders of MadDev Oy, Sallar and myself, have decided to dissolve the company. As I'll be continuing the development of Buttercup, the existing management structure surrounding the project has to change a bit to suit the direction I'm taking it. I've since founded my own company and will be moving Buttercup under its guidance.

This is good news for a few reasons:
  • The new company will actually be receiving revenue, which means that Buttercup, as a product, can directly benefit from this.
  • Due to the revenue stream, donations won't be required to keep its basic requirements satisfied.
  • Paid work can more easily be performed on the platform.

I'll be announcing the new company identity shortly, once everything has been finalised. This does mean of course that I'll be closing the Open Collective in the coming weeks. Please consider cancelling any payment subscriptions as the left-over funds will be donated to another project of my choosing. In the future there will be the option of paying for a hosted account of some sort - so if you still wish to support us in the future, please consider following that progress via our medium or mastodon.

A huge thanks to everyone that's contributed, in any way, to the project. You've been a big help, both in terms of pushing the product forward and in motivation for the team building it. To reiterate: nothing about the FOSS aspect of the platform is changing - Buttercup strives to be the best open source password manager and we recognise how important the community around us is.

The Buttercup Team.