Open Collective
Open Collective
JSDay 2024, Helsinki JS and other conferences
Published on January 31, 2024 by Perry Mitchell

Buttercup, without any real marketing, is thriving! I intend to keep it on that trajectory, as with more users comes more eyes and new great ideas that'll help improve the software. I've spoken for a while now about desperately needing help to continue Buttercup's development, but I'm honestly fine with how it's going right now, even at this slower pace.

That being said, I want to do what I can to increase development throughput and for that to be possible I need to be more active in demonstrating it and getting new teams involved. A number of small companies already use it for their teams, and that's an angle I'd like to push on.

Attending conferences (like JSDay in Verona, Italy, in April, and Helsinki JS which is monthly) allows me to brush shoulders with these teams and enthusiastic individuals, hopefully allowing me to impress them with how much traction Buttercup has already. It has huge potential, and just needs a little push!

As for product news, we're about to push out the browser extension update to support manifest v3, primarily for Chrome and Edge right now. It's a big change, so make sure your desktop app is up to date!

We're also looking at a visual redesign, as well as support for tags (over groups).


You might see the odd expense pertaining to promotional activities, but I can assure you that they'll be few and minimal in value. The primary goal of this collective is still to support infrastructure and hosting costs, of course.

Thanks to everyone for the amazing contributions you've been making! It's outstanding how generous you've all been. It's super motivating.

Perry Mitchell

Posted on January 31, 2024

Oh, forgot to mention - if you by any chance have the possibility to attend either JSDay, or one of the HelsinkiJS meetups, please do and come say hi! I'd love to hear from you and see what you're all up to these days.