Open Collective
Open Collective

Donativo Mensal

O teu apoio vai dar-nos estabilidade para agirmos com a urgência, frontalidade e honestidade que a realidade nos obriga. Obrigada!

[English bellow]

O Climáximo é um coletivo horizontal, aberto e anticapitalista que luta pela justiça climática utilizando a ação direta e a desobediência civil como ferramentas de ação. A capacidade de auto-financiamento e independência financeira é essencial para podermos agir com a urgência, frontalidade e honestidade que a realidade nos obriga. Precisamos da tua contribuição para torna isto possível.

Como tudo o que fizemos antes, nós decidimos, lançamos e montamos as atividades que fazemos sem depender de qualquer financiamento externo, somente na nossa capacidade de improvisação e auto-financiamento. As nossas atividades (e o sucesso delas) dependem e vão continuar a depender das pessoas indignadas, ativadas e envolvidas e não da nossa capacidade financeira.

Todas as atividades que nos propomos a fazer são maiores que nós – a realidade climática assim o requer. Por isso estas sempre nos desafiam a encontrar formas de cobrir as despesas mínimas essenciais. Temos a cultura de reutilizar, reaproveitar, de não gastar recursos, de encontrar formas criativas e comunitárias. Contudo, há coisas que implicam compras e custos que não se consegue evitar (materiais, transportes, cuidados, apoio legal, manutenção dos sites, etc).
Contribui mensalmente para ajudar-nos a cobrir estes custos!
 Nota: a partir de Novembro de 2021 20% das contribuições doadas para o climáximo via open collective são direcionadas para comunidades da linha da frente e coletivos do movimento pela justiça climática baseados no sul global.   

O Climáximo é um grupo pequeno e muito irrequieto. Organizamo-nos de forma horizontal e usamos democracia direta nas nossas decisões: as propostas partem de todas, e há sempre espaço para novas pessoas, ideias e projetos. A tua ajuda e participação são muito bem-vindas, e há muitas maneiras de colaborares connosco! Descobre as várias formas de te envolveres:

Recebe a nossa newsletter para ficares a par das próximas actividades e ações!
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Climate resistance will be financed by the people

Solidarity and mutual aid in the fight for our lifes - your donation allows us to continue with strength and resilience.

The climate crisis is here and now
All the information on the impact of emissions and extractivism on the balance of ecosystems has been available for decades. The government and companies choose to continue down the path of climate chaos. This is a conscious and coordinated act of violence. The responsibility and power to stop it lies in the hands of the people.
We must make it impossible to ignore the climate crisis, before it becomes impossible to ignore. We are building the movement that faces reality and takes the courage to act. All over the world, and in Portugal, hundreds of people are risking their freedom to fight for their lives. When governments and companies are destroying everything we love, joining the resistance and stopping this war is the only viable option.

If you support the fight for climate balance and social peace, if you know that we need to act to solve this crisis, join us - fill in the form on the website and find out how you can help us. Join one of the communication or legal teams.

All the activities we set out to do are bigger than us - the climate reality demands it. That's why it's always a challenge to find ways to cover the minimum essential expenses. We have a culture of reusing, repurposing, not wasting resources and finding creative, community-based solutions. However, there are costs that we can't avoid (materials, transportation, care, website maintenance, etc).

Contribute a monthly donation
Monthly donations ensure greater stability and political resilience, so that we can continue the struggle independently of external funds and cover the basic costs for the collective to function as well as for resilience and basic support for activists.
We are currently a group of around 30-50 people, half of whom live outside Lisbon. Most of us have precarious jobs - teachers, administrators, nurses, bartenders among others, from part-time to full-time with fake green receipts. Some are students and some are unemployed. Several of them have dependents they care for. We support each other in any way we can with overtime, legal costs, logistical costs for activities and actions, and living expenses.
The fight for OUR lifeS and against a system of death requires a network of solidarity and mutual support, which gives us the strength to stand up to repression.

Contribute a one-off donation
For several months now, dozens of people have been using their bodies in peaceful actions, only to be met with police and judicial repression. Several of us are now facing one-year prison sentences, which have been converted to large fines (around a thousand euros per person, for each case). We estimate that by 2024 we will be facing legal costs of over 100,000 euros.

One-off donations will help these people who are fighting for their lives and who are being repressed by the unjust law of a system designed to fail. It is plunging us into climate collapse and which tries to silence any attempt to bring an honest and consequential conversation about the climate crisis into the public debate!

The challenge we have set ourselves and for which we are counting on you is to increase the movement's financial and political resilience by reaching the equivalent of 700 monthly supporters for the year 2024, by February 11, 2024!

This amount will be used to cover part of the maintenance costs, the costs of events and trainings, publicity materials, legal costs that we face. It will guarantee better resilience and livelihoods for the people who are at the forefront of the movement.

Note: if you have difficulties using this platform to make donations, send us an email indicating the problem and the donation you want to make, so that we can find other alternatives :)
[email protected]

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24 individuals have contributed to this goal

Join us in contributing to this tier!


Donativo Mensal

€700 EUR

Yonatan N. Gez

Donativo Mensal

€600 EUR

Daniela Subtil

Donativo Mensal

€360 EUR

Anne Morrison

Donativo Mensal

€260 EUR

Alix Didier S...

Donativo Mensal

€240 EUR

Emanuele Leon...

Donativo Mensal

€155 EUR


Donativo Mensal

€126 EUR

Goncalo Paulo

Donativo Mensal

€120 EUR


Donativo Mensal

€100 EUR


Donativo Mensal

€90 EUR

Inês Valente

Donativo Mensal

€90 EUR


Donativo Mensal

€90 EUR

€146 EUR / mo. raised
