2022 Code for the Carolinas / Open Collective Required Update
Published on December 4, 2022 by jennifer @ Code with the Carolinas
During the first half of 2022, Code for the Carolinas was fiscally sponsored by Open Collective Foundation. For that reason, we are providing this public update on our activities for their required year-end reporting.
1. What did you accomplish during 2022? How did you use money?
During the first half of 2022, Code for the Carolinas was fiscally sponsored by Open Collective Foundation. For that reason, we are providing this public update on our activities for their required year-end reporting.
1. What did you accomplish during 2022? How did you use money?
During the first half of 2022, we established our web presence (that cost a little bit of money to set up, and was our only expense), created a prototype website that helped support Code for America's GetCTC program, started work on the Open Meeting Toolkit project in partnership with Code for Asheville and Sunshine Request, and developed the Code for America Impact Sprint proposal for the Open Meeting Toolkit (which was accepted into the program and completed during the remainder of 2022).
2. What challenges did you face during 2022? What did your Collective learn? How did you change or grow?
2. What challenges did you face during 2022? What did your Collective learn? How did you change or grow?
While we understand why you would not want to assume the risk around organizations engaging in advocacy, it also turned out to be a ToS that was too strict for us.
3. What are your plans for 2023? Anything exciting coming up?
Starting July 1, 2022 we returned to being fiscally sponsored by Code for America, to better align our mission with their mission, as had always been our intention. For example, Open Collective does not allow advocacy, even the type of minimal and nonpartisan advocacy associated with our Open Meeting Toolkit. We continue as a Code for America Brigade serving North and South Carolina in a way that supports local Brigades. We are currently planning to spend down the balance here on Open Collective as we incur expenses and are not accepting new contributions here at this time.
Jennifer Miller
Organizer, Code for the Carolinas
Jennifer Miller
Organizer, Code for the Carolinas
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