Infrastructure Funder's Toolkit has been archived.
Infrastructure Funder's Toolkit has been archived and is no longer active.

Transparent and open finances.
Balance transfer
Credit from Robert to Infrastructure Funder's Toolkit •
Contribution #533997
-$49,996.00 USD
Today’s balance--.-- USD
Total raised
$149,988.73 USD
Total disbursed
$149,988.73 USD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- USD

Developing an implementation framework for funders of digital infrastructure with guides, programming, and models.
Recipient: Simply Secure & Superrr
Description: The Infrastructure Funder's Toolkit is a comprehensive resource activating the insights and recommendations from Roadwork Ahead to provide funders guidance and support around the digital infrastructure community of practice. The project will take an approach rooted in human-centered design (HCD) in order to generate actionable insights based on research and active experimentation. Through interviews, focus groups, and testing the toolkit will be iteratively designed and implemented with funder and grantee stakeholders. As part of the development of the toolkit the research team will work with field researchers to localize the work and the content, engaging regional expertise and ensuring that the toolkit reflects local nuance and global understanding of digital infrastructure. The Infrastructure Funder's Toolkit will offer a means to equip more funders with the tools to understand and actualize the relevance of digital infrastructure within their respective causes and express their interest in support of and funding to projects, teams, and organizations within the ecosystem.