Open Collective
Open Collective

Solidarity Project - Diversity & Decolonizing


Embodying the 4R’s of Deep Adaptation, this 6 month project seeks to bring attention and raise funds for a community within our movement who is facing into collapse.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #793725
Contribution #631697
Contribution #793725
Today’s balance

£189.25 GBP

Total raised

£1,866.41 GBP

Total disbursed

£1,677.16 GBP

Estimated annual budget

£320.00 GBP


Congolese community organiser, Martin Abumba, is the founder of a local grassroots organisation Bidii Yetu (“Our Diligence”). Since 2019, this initiative has been bringing together young refugees from Kakuma Refugee Camp - one of the largest camps in the world - in order to support the refugee community and improve vulnerable refugees’ living conditions.
Bidii Yetu runs four main programs at the Kakuma refugee camp:
  1. Supporting young people’s education and offering permaculture/agriculture training
  2. Including people with disabilities in social actions and giving them more visibility
  3. Working with women and the wider community on permaculture and agroecology
  4. Environmental protection and public hygiene
Until April 2023, DAF will be actively aiming to assist Martin address immediate funding needs to facilitate day-to-day functioning of the support team.  Funds raised will support:
  1. US$100 per month for internet access
  2. A suitable modem and wifi router to enable Bidii Yetu to own and control access to the Internet for the entire team. 
  3. Laptops for Martin and Andrea, more laptops if possible for students to work on school leaving certificates. Apple Macs are preferred due to familiarity with the operating system and limited tech support in the camp. Postage fees are extremely variable - arbitrary “duty” charges are possible in the camp, and must be paid  before items are delivered, so funding the purchase of laptops by the team, in KEnya, is preferable. Costs to be investigated. 
  4. Power supply - solar is easy and reliable in Kakuma. A suitably sized solar panel or two, with converter for charging computers, a battery for the modem/router, and a few solar lanterns (with rechargeable batteries) would enable the team to function at night and offer scholars study time at night. Costs to be investigated.
DAF's Solidarity Project invites those of us who have so much to make financial generosity one of the ways in which to embody and enable the 4 Rs of Deep Adaptation - Resilience, Relinquishment, Restoration, Reconciliation.

For more information on Bidii Yetu, visit DAF's Solidarity Page.
Find out more about Bidii Yetu on their Facebook page.

You can support Bidii Yetu by clicking on the "Contribute" button below.

Please give generously today.

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Aimee Fenech

The Deep Adaptation Forum is raising funds to s...


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Our contributors 8

Thank you for supporting Solidarity Project - Diversity & Decolonizing.


£1,500 GBP

Linda Bidlack

£125 GBP


£120 GBP

Dorian Cave

£80 GBP

Mary Cotter

£40 GBP

Erica Lewis

£20 GBP


£20 GBP