Open Collective
Open Collective

Visualize (Wall/Floor) Layers in BlenderBIM/FreeCAD


To develop the ability to visualize the layers that make up a layered wall/slab/covering/etc in BlenderBIM/FreeCAD--on both the screen and printed svg


This project is looking to solicit funds to help develop the ability to visualize the layers that make up a layered wall/slab/covering/etc in BlenderBIM & FreeCAD -- on both the screen and printed svg. The lion's share of this work will be done with C++ in IFCopenShell.

This has been discussed in the following locations.

As you can see in the links above, there has already been some work in this regard. With this project, we hope to build off this initial work.

Per this call for projects, if you wish to fund this project, please donate here.
For every dollar that is raised, OSArch will match that dollar from their general funding pool. 


If you're a developer that would like to work on this project, please ping us at the following link, and share your intentions.

General Note about Projects: 
Anyone familiar with software development knows that it's sometimes hard to determine when exactly the project is complete.   Even when the scope is clearly defined, quite often there's a sense that more can be done to refine the project.  This is unavoidable, so in that light, to be fair to both the funders and solution providers, the steering committee will act as the arbiter to determine when the project is done and when the funds should be distributed.  When it's 'done' will also be a factor of how much the funding is relative to how involved the scope is.  That is say, if a very small amount of funding is provided, for a solution that would require a lot more funding, the steering committee can allocate funds for partial solutions, as well.

Please note, if no one provides a solution to the project with a year (365days), the funds dedicated to this project will be transferred over to OSarch's general funding. The OSArch steering committee will then allocate the funding to other projects.


If you're relatively active in the OSArch community, and have an idea that you'd like to see get funded and developed, please read the following to have your project posted on OSArch's Open Collective site.


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

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+ 19

Visualize (Wall/Floor) Layers in BlenderBIM/FreeCAD is all of us

Our contributors 23

Thank you for supporting Visualize (Wall/Floor) Layers in BlenderBIM/FreeCAD.


$400 USD

Ok - Dion has bumped this to the 2024.11.02 Rel...


$300 USD

Let's get those layers already!


$150 USD


$100 USD


$100 USD


$100 USD

Mikko Lahti

$100 USD


$50 USD


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Contribution #834179
Contribution #834170
Contribution #834000
Today’s balance

$3,238.75 USD

Total raised

$3,238.75 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

$1,510.00 USD