Open Collective
Open Collective
DecentSocial is this weekend!
Published on February 7, 2023 by Ian Davis

Hey friends,

DecentSocial 2023 is less than a week away, and we've got almost 200 folks registered. As organizers, we've been blown away by how much interest and excitement there is for this conference. It seems like so many of us working on projects in this space have been eagerly waiting for an opportunity like this to share our work with each other and to collaborate on building a better decentralized social web.

We've been getting a lot of questions about how scheduling and attending sessions will work. More information will be posted to the website,, this week, but for now I wanted to send out a quick update with some details.

During the opening session for each timezone, there will be a short chance to introduce sessions you want to host. Intros will be short -- no more than a minute per session -- but you'll be able to share your topic with everyone in attendance. After that you'll be able to claim the room and time slot you want using a collaboratively edited spreadsheet which will be shared with all attendees. The spreadsheet will have small fields for title and description and other details, and will allow you to claim one of the rooms we'll have set up on the BBB server has set up for us. 

To generate momentum for your topic and connect with others planning to attend, you can use any of the following hashtags: #DecentSocial, #DecentSocial2023, or #DecentSocialTopics. We also encourage you to reach out to your communities and find one or two folks to bring with you that you want to hear from. The unconference format is designed so that you don't need to prepare anything ahead of time. Just come with your ideas and your community, and we'll handle the rest together on Saturday.

Looking forward to seeing you this weekend,
:) Ian