Open Collective
Open Collective
Encores to Once You Know
Published on January 9, 2022 by Tom Schloegel

Your support in December and early January helped Deep Adaptation Forum enter the new year with the momentum that only a robust community can provide. With deep appreciation for your contributions, we share a presentation of our 2021 efforts, and invitations to two final events related to the documentary Once You Know.

This slide show illustrates the wide range of offerings - and far from all of them, to be sure - that DAF stage orchestrated thanks to our dedicated core of volunteers. As they say in the theater world, without the magic that happens behind the scenes we'd all be shouting in the dark. If you wish to join our lively band of DA co-conspirators, please reach out.

If you managed to view Once You Know as part of our December fundraiser, and possibly joined a discussion last week with director Emmanuel Cappellin (viewable here), there are two additional opportunities to engage further with the meaning and impact of the film:
Currently, Once You Know is not yet available on any Video On Demand platforms. If you would like to help organise a screening where you live, please contact Joris from Pulp Films: [email protected]

Thank you again for all you do to sustain Deep Adaptation Forum. We hope to engage with you often throughout 2022.

With gratitude,
The Deep Adaptation Forum core team
Open Collective
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