We are very excited to share that we have found a new fiscal sponsor in The Hack Club Foundation (HCF). HCF was founded in 2016 to serve as the legal entity for Hack Club, a nonprofit network providing high schoolers the coding education they otherwise could not access, and in 2018, HCF expanded to act as a nonprofit fiscal sponsor for community organizations like ours. FAVOR will retain our 501(c)(3) nonprofit privileges to allow for continued tax-deductible donations. Many other Open Collective Foundation programs have already moved to this new host, and we are excited to continue our work alongside them.
Please join us on the Hack Club Foundation platform and tap HERE to make a recurring or one-time donation. All transactions are transparent as they were on OCF, via our community page: https://hcb.hackclub.com/favor. Transferring our funds from OCF is in process, and until then our weekly food distributions are still funded from our OCF account. Thank you for your ongoing support of our mutual aid model and our mission to achieve food and nutrition equity for everyone in Roslindale. To stay updated on our work, email us at [email protected] and we will add you to our email list.