Open Collective
Open Collective
May 2024 Update
Published on May 5, 2024 by Marcel Klehr

Hello everyone,

Winter is finally over. Yay. What's been going on in the world of bookmark syncing?

Version 5 of floccus is now a few months old already, yet, I've had to fight with a vicious bug in Chrome that just wouldn't go away:
People would always see their profile status as "Scheduled" without any syncing going on. Because of the bug, I couldn't go full 100% on the roll out of v5 until now.
I've got my fingers crossed that the bug one is gone for good, though. Still, if you experience it, let me know!

Today saw the release of v5.1.0 already. What's new in v5.1.0? Floccus now allows you to sync via a hosted git repository. A long awaited feature by many people that are well versed with git.
Of course, as is customary with git, you'll have a full history of all changes you ever made to your bookmarks stash. Woop, woop.

Nextcloud Bookmarks has also seen some love the last couple of months with the release of v14:

 - The app now uses the new Nextcloud Vue 8 components and is thus visually in line with other apps on Nextcloud 28 and onward
 - I overhauled the search functionality to be more useful: By default it will now search in the current folder only, while allowing to search globally. Also, you can now search for folders as well
 - Nextcloud Bookmarks by default archives links to files from websites that you bookmarked, but some people didn't like that, so now you can disable that feature.
 - Lots of small bug fixes and a few performance improvements

I'm very grateful for the support I've received from everyone of you in working on these projects. Thank you for continuing to support me in these efforts! Also, feel free to shoot me a message, if you have feedback, ideas, critique or just want to say hi.

All the best and godspeed to you, wherever you may be right now :)
