Open Collective
Open Collective
Grace and Her Children's Evction is This Thursday!
Published on October 10, 2023 by Food & Solidarity

Everyone deserves a safe, stable home – the reasons that people can't is often due to things outside their control.

This Thursday, Grace's harassing landlords can go to court to get bailiffs to remove Grace from her family home.

True to form, they phoned numerous times over the weekend to try to gain access to the property, no reason was given.

Where are the council in all of this? Where is their duty to prevent homelessness?

Food & Solidarity gave the local councillors in Grace's ward a deadline to engage with the very serious issues in Grace's case and with the families imminent homelessness.
When they missed this deadline, we marched on them! (see video below!)
Grace was able to read a testimony prepared beforehand. (you can read the full version here).
The councillors apologised to Grace promised that rapid action would be taken!

Grace's demands of the council:
  1. 1) Make sure that her family is given temporary accommodation until we are rehoused.
  2. 2) Ensure that we are permanently rehoused as soon as possible.
  3. 3) Address the poor service and discrimination we have faced from HAC, and show that you are truly committed to the council preventing homelessness.
  4. 4) Respond fully to letters sent by Food and Solidarity, including all the questions and demands.

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