End of year expenses pause
Published on November 22, 2023 by Pepsi
Hi all,
Please be aware that expenses made between December 18th 2023 and January 8th 2024 will not be processed until January 8th, as I will be out of Australia and therefore unable to access the accounts used for payouts.
Please note that contributions will be processed normally (other than direct transfers, which won't appear in your balance until January 8th).
For any payments during that period where you know the cost in advance, please email me at [email protected] beforehand so I can schedule a transaction if possible. Otherwise, please ensure you are able to front any payments for the given period.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Please be aware that expenses made between December 18th 2023 and January 8th 2024 will not be processed until January 8th, as I will be out of Australia and therefore unable to access the accounts used for payouts.
Please note that contributions will be processed normally (other than direct transfers, which won't appear in your balance until January 8th).
For any payments during that period where you know the cost in advance, please email me at [email protected] beforehand so I can schedule a transaction if possible. Otherwise, please ensure you are able to front any payments for the given period.
If you have any questions, please let me know.