Open Collective
Open Collective
Merging HHSF with Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund
Published on April 23, 2024 by Alex

Hello all,

We hope you are keeping well this year.

After some discussion, we have made the decision to combine the Herne Hill Solidarity Fund with Lambeth Mutual Aid Fund (

As we enter our fourth year of the fund, we have struggled with reduced capacity to keep the fund growing and functioning as best it can. By combining with LMA, we can continue to redistribute wealth more effectively with more resources and support.

LMA have been doing brilliant work as a fund for years, as well as hosting numerous community events. All repeat contributions going forward will automatically transfer to the LMA. We are incredible grateful for your continued support and hope you will be happy to continue to support the redistribution of wealth through the LMA.

We encourage our requesters to continue to request there too. Information on how to request a grant can be found here:

Whilst this isn’t goodbye, we wanted to thank you all again for your support over the past few years. We are very proud to have distributed over £15,000 to our neighbours during this time. 

If there are any questions regarding transferring donations or requests, please email us. Our email accounts will not be monitored after the end of May. Thank you again for your support and we hope to see you at one of the Solidarity Sundays!