Open Collective
Open Collective
Developer Preview 2 & the upcoming MMR
Published on August 26, 2022 by Connor Turland

Hello to our supporters, and thanks so much to all of you for your support!

We are nearing the end of summer in the northern hemisphere, winter in the south, and change is in the air! We are nearing the end of this whole Major Milestone Release sprint, and things are shaping up nicely for its conclusion.

10 days ago we released our second developer preview version: 0.0.1-alpha.7
Here it is!

One developer who joined the Discord had this to say about it:
“Yes, I'm running GraphQL transactions now via the Holochain Launcher - all very smooth! I've never worked with GraphQL before, but that part seems pretty manageable. I think first I want to do the remedial work of actually learning the REA datamodel and trying to map my small business transactions onto it. It's nice to have the backend to practice on and there is of course tons of docs to leverage so it should be fun.”

What we have next is final polish on unfriendly error messages, reducing the bundle size, and a minor holochain version update. We should be on track to have the official MMR release out within about a week!

Special announcement! 
Have you heard? There is a sister project for ValueFlows on Holochain being built, which is an end user application to introduce people to ValueFlows, and let you learn and build with it.

Along with some of the hREA developers, the folks working on that project, called the REA Playspace are out and about at DWeb Camp this week, sharing it and the ValueFlows concepts more generally with other p2p enthusiasts.

You can try out this Playspace as well, by following along with their installation instructions. It also uses the Holochain Launcher.

Post-MMR, there is a hope and intention that REA Playspace will switch over from a proto-backend (still Holochain) to hREA, which will be a fantastic test case and integration. REA Playspace may even become an official data portal tool for hREA in the future. 

There are just 1 or 2 more updates during the MMR project, but they'll be big ones, so stay tuned :) Have a great end of August all!