Open Collective
Open Collective
hREA MMR Work Progress Reporting | June 1 - June 14, 2022
Published on June 15, 2022 by Pegah

It’s time for another progress report for the hREA MMR! For the period of June 1 - June 14 the team worked on the following:

Time Ordered Data Indexing Solutions (work area 1)

The team conducted spikes to find approaches to index time ordered data in Holochain’s distributed data storage model. To do this, we are starting implementation on the solution to be able to fetch all the hREA data records in bulk (in technical terms Read All Endpoints), which will be useful for each and every Economic Module.

The Agent Module (work area 3)

Agent is a necessary Module in REA accounting (Resource-Event-Agent). Agent is a person or group or organization with economic agency and demonstrates the “who” involved in an economic Event. This work area, one of the 3 primary ones, is a new feature being constructed mostly from scratch.

The Agent Module has two components:
  • Agent Type: can be Person or Organization 
  • Relationships between Agents: includes Agent Relationship & Agent Relationship Role (more on these later)
For this reporting period the team has worked on building out the API and Backend for the Agent Module’s first component (Agent Type), and is dealing with open-ended questions on how Holochain deals with notions of agency, identity, and permission. Since Valueflows ontology does not provide instructions around permissions, the team has to come up with decisions around permissioning for the first MMR.

Holochain Dependencies Updates (work area 4)

This was a necessary pre-step towards stability and performance improvements for peer-to-peer connections and execution times (time it takes for a request to complete) for hREA. The Holochain update areas for hREA included Tryorama, the Holochain websocket client library, and hdk.

That’s it for now. Stay tuned for more hREA updates!