Open Collective
Open Collective

Sapling (Mid Support)

Sapling is the second tier in Hylo's Priority Support Program. This program offers a reciprocal relationship where Hylo partners receive collaboration and support from the Hylo team, in return for resourcing our work.

Sapling partners receive:
- Quarterly 1-on-1 call with Hylo core team to check in and optimize your Hylo experience and community engagement
- 2 customized Community Building workshops per year 
- 2x/year Live Hylo demo & training for group members
- 2 hours / month of hands-on Community support: Our Community team will participate in your community and help grow collaboration
      This looks like: 2-3 new posts per month, commenting on posts, connecting members, helping members use Hylo, fielding messages from members, and nurturing engagement to serve your group’s goals.

Plus all Seed offerings:
- Access to a monthly support call for partners
- Access to special Hylo group for partners
- Custom iframe code to embed Hylo on your site
- Your bugs go to the top of our developer queue


