Open Collective
Open Collective


International Student Symposium on Animal Behavior and Cognition

Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 8:00 AM - Friday, June 23, 2023, 7:00 PM (UTC-06:00)
Created by: ISSABC
Fiscal Host: All For Climate


The ISSABC is the International Student Symposium on Animal Behaviour and Cognition. Our goal is to create a stimulating conference on animal behaviour by students, for students; as such, our committee is entirely made up of student researchers!

We host an international conference biannually with a focus on animal behaviour. This conference aims to give the opportunity for students and early career researchers to present their work to other students from around the world who are at a similar stage in their careers as an opportunity to those who might otherwise not have the opportunity at more conventional conferences which tend to focus on the work of later stage and more established researchers.

We have a heavy focus on making our conference as accessible and diverse as possible, hoping to bring the field of animal behaviour to all students regardless of their racial, educational, geographical and socioeconomic backgrounds, gender, sexual orientation or any disabilities they may have.

The 3rd edition of our conference will take place at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México in   Mexico City, from the 21st to the 23rd of June 2023.

If you are interested in supporting us, you can access more detailed sponsorship opportunities here. However, we are open to other types of sponsorship ideas, and we are very happy to discuss them!

ISSABC es el Simposio Internacional Estudiantil sobre Conducta y Cognición Animal (International Student Symposium on Animal Behavior and Cognition). Nuestro objetivo es crear una conferencia estimulante sobre la conducta animal por estudiantes, para estudiantes; y por tanto, ¡nuestro comité está enteramente formado por investigadores que son estudiantes!

Organizamos una conferencia internacional bianual, centrada en la conducta animal. Esta conferencia pretende dar la oportunidad a estudiantes e investigadores nóveles de presentar su trabajo a otros estudiantes de todo el mundo que están en una etapa similar en sus carreras y brindarles una oportunidad a aquellos que quizá no tengan la oportunidad de asistir a conferencias convencionales que suelen centrarse en los resultados del trabajo de investigadores más experimentados y establecidos.
Nuestro principal enfoque es hacer nuestra conferencia tan accesible y diversa como sea posible, con la esperanza de acercar el area de la conducta animal a todos los estudiantes independientemente de su raza, educación, origen geográfico y socioeconómico, género, orientación sexual o discapacidad.

Esta representará la tercera edición de la conferencia que tendrá lugar en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en Ciudad de México, del 21 and 23 de Junio de 2023.

Si estás interesado/a en apoyarnos, puedes acceder a más detalles sobre las oportunidades de sponsor aquí. Sin embargo, estamos abiertos a otro tipo de ideas de patrocinio, y ¡estaríamos encantados de discutirlas! 

Our team


Transparent and open finances.

Today’s balance

€2,136.80 EUR

Total raised

€2,648.34 EUR

Total disbursed

€511.54 EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


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