Open Collective
Open Collective

Kath's Right Livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy

Fiscal Host: PlanetHive

Maintaining my right livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy to manifest love for All Life, a new paradigm job, and a workplace for a heart-centered future. πŸ’š

Estimated Annual Budget
Kath's right livelihood
Today's Balance


Let’s get the ball rolling!

News from Kath's Right Livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy

Updates on our activities and progress.

πŸ§˜πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ Adventure Journal Entry #07: Pausing in a beautiful sense of completion and resolution

Circle LogbookJanuary 19, 2023πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸš€ Adventurers: Trent,...
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Published on February 25, 2023 by Kath πŸ’š

✨ Adventure Journal Entry #06: A Letter of Love from the Year 2523

Contribute to Kath's Right Livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy to see this Update
Published on January 10, 2023 by Kath πŸ’š

🌈 Adventure Journal Entry #05: A Multidimensional Farewell

Circle LogbookDecember 22, 2022πŸ§‘πŸΌβ€πŸš€ Adventurers: midi,...
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Published on December 29, 2022 by Kath πŸ’š


Hallo, Kia ora, and Hello! πŸ‘‹πŸΌ

I am Kath, the Steward Leader of PlanetHive, home of Syntropic Storytelling and Earth Influencers.

I have embarked on an adventure into syntropy to manifest love for All Life, Syntropic Storytelling as a new paradigm job, and a workplace for a heart-centered future.

Learn More about my adventures in this Wisdom Harvest Post in the Samara Trust HeART Source Library.

With all my heart, I invite you to support, and adventure with me in Learning Challenge #1.

Create a Syntropic Enterprise
Β In this challenge, we will explore and define the key elements that will give our enterprises direction & velocity. I will explore all this for PlanetHive, while I invite you to explore all of this for your own enterprise (=heart-centered undertaking).Β 
πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Learn more about the challenge, and how you can join the challenge!

I offer this challenge in the spirit of the gift,Β  following in the footsteps of inspiring trailblazers in Earth Regenerators and beyond. Therefore my invitation to join this learning challenge doesn’t come with a price tag. However it comes with an ask to bring a willingness to learn from love. Anyone is free to join at their very own pace, and capacity to learn!

My financial needs for this first challenge
Many of you have closely been following my up and down roller coaster ride to be in service of All Life, while maintaining a right livelihood. It has not been an easy ride, and I know in my bones it won’t get easier any time soon for us-all. If ever, only together! I have been sacrificing a lot, and I am dedicated to continue sacrificing even more to give Syntropic Storytelling a warm and nurturing home.

At the end of this first Learning Challenge (January/February 2023), my incredibly awesome and deeply caring partner, and I will be moving to Germany, where we will live with my mom to leave the excruciating costs of living in Aotearoa NZ behind.

Up until then, we need US$6000 to live sustainably.
πŸ’° My portion to cover is US$3000!
I have updated the goal of this project to reflect the generous contributions I have received wholeheartedly outside Open Collective. πŸ™πŸΌ

If you love what I am doing, and you have the financial means, I ask you with all my heart, and as naked as I am, to please support me.

πŸ’Έ The easiest way to contribute to my Labour of Love is by clicking the CONTRIBUTE button.

I hope you will take my offering and ask as an invitation to be part of something greater than you and me; a pathway towards being in service of All Life for many generations to come. So far this journey has been a humbling experience of learning to live a more conscious and brave life. I am utterly grateful for all the love, trust, and support I am receiving every day. πŸ™πŸΌ

With love and gratitude,
Kath πŸ’š

Β Β heART FreqVE Adventuring by Lady Daya in Samara Trust πŸ¦‰ Β 


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Kath's Right Livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy is all of us

Our contributors 5

Thank you for supporting Kath's Right Livelihood while Adventuring Syntropy.

Vivek Gani

$200 NZD


$50 NZD


$50 NZD

midi berry

$30 NZD


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions β†’
Contribution #707570
Contribution #688123
Contribution #688123
Today’s balance

$5,185.74 NZD

Total raised

$5,185.74 NZD

Total disbursed

--.-- NZD

Estimated annual budget

$18.67 NZD