Open Collective
Open Collective
Registration is OPEN!
Published on April 25, 2023 by philip Marken

Dear Friends, mentors, co-learners and collaborators past and future - 

Registration for our June celebration, 21 years of Kufunda Learning Village and all the other projects which become at the turn of the millennium, is OPEN!

Thank you for already registering, if you have already done so, and if you have not yet registered please read on!

We would be delighted if you feel called to weave a little closer and join this pop-up learning village, and sit round the campfire, dance, share stories of your adventures and your dreams of what could come, or what futures are already here. 

By registering as soon as you know you will come, not only are you benefitting from the earlybird registration fee (Which saves you 50Eur) you are also supporting us to plan sustainably to make this gathering a reality.  

The hosting team have so-far carried the cost of pre-payment on the accommodation, and we would dearly love to balance the economy and begin to use money from the registration fees to pay for the costs of bringing this gathering together.  

With this in heart - please make your registration as soon as you know you are coming and your personal economy allows you to pay the registration fee.  It is a huge support and helps this whole celebration flow into becoming with the most balance and shared realisation possible. 

With joy in the opening, 

Your hosting team!