Open Collective
Open Collective
Going pro. thanx.
Published on February 11, 2024 by Matthias Evering (@ewingson)

Dear members.

we had starting problems.
in 2024 we will form an official W3C working group.
the community group will continue its work to fuel the processes, lighten the specs (we have to take things out and condense them), and approach a possible 1.0.
thank you for enabling us to have the server expenses secure for this whole year.
our bureau is fine (vlotho), the hardware is functional, and honestly, we do version updates and renew the certs.
partly we are pivoting CSS.
we have built a landing page.
our org is ready for whatever challenges may come.
docs: a WebId has the form and the public part of the pod may be
the appdevs may be interested in `private type index` and `public type index`.
you can think of a container as a directory and of a resource as a file.
use the system, explore it, test it, experiment, evaluate, exercise, examine.

thank you to 5 guests, Andreas1, Andreas2, Philippe Duchesne, Heike, Cédric Sounard, Michiel de Jong (Ponder Source).

we do work part time, usually in the late evening and early night. watch. communicate.