Open Collective
Open Collective
June Update
Published on June 6, 2023 by Moritz Bierling

Meow, and thank you for following the MewsFeed Open Collective project. Here's your update for June 2023.

During June, we added another ~$10 to our project, bringing the total funds to $174.68 USD. We are incredibly grateful for the community's support in helping us fund the ongoing development.

The proposal put forth by Matt regarding a voting system for contribution weights has been well received. We are working to finalize the details and aim to have this in place later this month. This system will provide a way of recognizing and rewarding team members for their invaluable contributions.

We are thrilled to soon be featured in the mid June issue of the What's hAppening newsletter, thanks to community members Anita Halcyon and Sam Turner. Head on over to their Substack and sign up so you don't miss the upcoming issue!

#dWeb Camp
Several team members will attend dWeb Camp in the California redwoods from June 21st to 25th. We expect to launch our first release before then and start showing it to folks in the Holo hosted version. While not part of MewsFeed, Eric Harris-Braun and other lovely dWeb people are on the home stretch for another app that will feature at the event: Emergence. It'll be used for on-site scheduling, coordination, and discovery, taking advantage of a special version of Holochain that is mobile friendly thanks to some clever engineering. We look forward to seeing many Holochain community members there.

#Design and Branding
This week, Moritz is visiting a designer friend in the Czech Republic to revamp the MewsFeed UI, and perhaps even finally throw up a basic website before moving the app itself to "Where the calm cats talk," our newly adopted slogan, will likely be prominently displayed, emphasizing how this platform has a deliberate focus on engaging and less riling conversational patterns. Our branding efforts are progressing well, with this phrase influencing various design elements and communication channels.

#Development Progress
Our primary code contributors, Matt Gabrenya, Harlan Woods, and Jost Schulte, made significant strides towards the first proper release of MewsFeed. The core functionality has basically been completed, and the finishing touches are currently being implemented.

The MewsFeed hApp will soon be hosted on Holo's alpha hosting network at The login button from our homepage directs users there, streamlining the user journey from our main website to the microblogging platform.

In June, we are stepping up our communication efforts. Holo's contributing writer guidelines are in the process of completion, paving the way for the publication of the long-anticipated piece on the MewsFeed vision by Art & Moritz. Several other articles are currently in the pipeline, aiming to provide insight into the inspirations, motivations, and characteristics of the project.

#Community Engagement
We received several valuable suggestions and inputs from our community members. New code contributions on GitHub have been fantastic, leading to a more robust and feature-rich MewsFeed application.

We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Arthur Brock, our main funder, for his continued support.

#Looking Forward
As we edge closer to the big milestone of the first proper release, we invite the community to join us on our Discord channel and contribute to the development on GitHub.

Thank you once again for your support of the MewsFeed project. We look forward to sharing more exciting updates with you next month and look forward to seeing you on MewsFeed soon!