Open Collective
Open Collective
May Update
Published on May 4, 2023 by Moritz Bierling

Hello dear contributors!

As of the month of May, the MewsFeed Open Collective project has continued to make progress towards its goal of a proper first release. Here are some updates and highlights for the month:

- Development work has been ongoing, with contributions from several community members. Matt Gabrenya, Harlan Woods, and Jost Schulte remain the main code contributors, but other developers have also been active on the project's GitHub repository.

- Since opening up the OC page, we have received very welcome support from you all to the tune of $165. The project continues to welcome donations to support development costs.

- The team has been discussing the best way to administer the Open Collective funds and ensure transparency in how the money is used. We're thinking about different options but are very much open to suggestions from you, the donors!

- The MewsFeed team has been active on Discord, where community members can join to discuss the project. Development efforts are taking place over on GitHub and we're welcoming code contributors there too. You can view our open list of issues and features on the Project Management board

- The project is getting closer to a major milestone of its first proper release, which could very well happen in the coming weeks. The team has been finalizing features and fixing bugs in preparation for the release.

- As part of the push towards the first proper release, the MewsFeed team has been working on improving the user interface and experience. This includes making changes to the layout of the app and adding new features such as Yarns or granular follows using TrustGraph.

Overall, the MewsFeed Open Collective project has continued to make steady progress towards its goals. The team is grateful for the support of donors and contributors, and welcomes anyone who is interested in joining the community and contributing to the project's development.