Open Collective
Open Collective

Monastic Spring Retreat has been archived.

Monastic Spring Retreat has been archived and is no longer active.

Monastic Spring Retreat

We come together in a contemplative setting find regular times to meditate and work on projects on the land.

Monday, April 22, 2024, 12:00 PM - Saturday, April 27, 2024, 2:00 PM (UTC+01:00)
Created by: Alversjö


We come together in a contemplative setting find regular times to meditate and work on projects on the land.

This is not a religious event but we welcome any form of your personal meditation practice, maybe it be Vipassana, Zazen, Christian or muslim Prayer. During the shared meditation times we will just sit in silence for 30 minutes, and you are free to do your own practice in the 30 minutes after.

We will cook together and gift our physical energy to building projects that are going on in Alversjö. If you want to stay in silence there will be tasks and opportunities to work by yourself, or you can wear a sign that says "I am silent."

Suggested daily structure:
7:00 common meditation
7:30 personal practice
8:00 breakfast
9:00 work on projects
12:00 lunch
13:00 common meditation
13:30 work on projects
17:00 free time
18:30 dinner
20:00 common meditation
20:30 bed or hangout

If you work remote and bring your work then please find times for that that does not interfere too much with the retreat setting. Let's eat together and start and end the day together, between that you are free to join any building, cleaning or gardening project and also have time for walks in the forest or swims in the lakes.

We will sleep in tents or one of the houses. There is currently no heating and mid of April it might still be cold. Bring good gear and wear some layers of clothes.

The Monastic Retreat is also a burn where the Burning Man principles are practiced in a bit more serious and contemplative way. Read more about those principles here:

Costs: I suggest a donation of 100-200kr to Alversjö land project and share the expenses for food.
Please consider also to become a member of Alversjö:

Our team

Heinz Robert

Donation to land

Diana Monsberger

Core Contributor


Donation to land

David Högberg

Core Contributor



Konrad Leffler

Core Contributor

Elis Lindström

Core Contributor


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions
Balance transfer
Contribution #755715
Contribution #755282
Today’s balance

--.-- EUR

Total raised

€88.73 EUR

Total disbursed

€88.73 EUR

Estimated annual budget

€100.00 EUR