Activity Checklists and Checklist Templates in FarmOS
Create farm-level checklists for tasks like certifications, verification, or other requirements. Checklists can be simple ("check this box") to action-oriented ("email this person") and may connect to farmOS entities ("Select the fields that are compliant with certification X ... (multiple select)).
As farm-level verification and reporting becomes more common for ecosystem services markets, supply chain requirements, and certifications, assembling the required documentation is becoming more and more time consuming. The duplication of information across forms feels inevitable.
This feature pulls those verification checklists into FarmOS directly, allowing farmers to fill them out and export the relevant reporting (spreadsheets, PDFs, etc.). This helps the producer by allowing them to fill out and track their verification in their own platform, but it can also help the verifier who can, using something like the FarmOS Aggregator and data aggregation pipeline, to see and track completion rates within their producer community.
1. Create several types of checklist entities, including checkbox, email, link to assets / logs, among others.
2. Enable creation of new checklists using the Template and Planning feature.
3. Create UI for users to find, complete, and review available checklists.

- Original scoping and outcomes are here
- These pages will be updated as the work progresses
- Phase I:
- Phase II:
Budget and Timing
Budget and Timing for this and related features can be found below, along with who will be contributing and completion estimates.

This is part of a suite of features whose goal is help make FarmOS a more accessible, easy to use, and applicable to appropriate designed for typical production systems, like row crop, orchard, and scaled diversified veggie. You can see and support all the features here. More detail about current work towards these goals in gitlab can be found here.
If you have questions or want a personal review of this feature, please contact [email protected].