Simple In-field task management for FarmOS using AssetLink
Easily check logs as done, add notes and an image - while OFFLINE! Quickly create logs with a name, date, assignee, status, and image. Perfect for quick tasks or observations.
Currently, FarmOS is an online-only application. You cannot check something as 'done' or add a note while in the field and offline.
This feature not only enables offline use, but also creates a very easy Task Management and assignment interface that can be used on top of FarmOS, called AssetLink.
1. Make AssetLink easily accessible from FarmOS home page. Use the same structure of accessing, displaying and quickly marking 'done' tasks as is proposed in the farmOS home screen here:
2. Improve log creation in AssetLink to make it easier to use
- Original scoping and outcomes are here
- These pages will be updated as the work progresses
- Phase I:
Budget and Timing
Budget and Timing for this and related features can be found below, along with who will be contributing and completion estimates.

This is part of a suite of features whose goal is help make FarmOS a more accessible, easy to use, and applicable to appropriate designed for typical production systems, like row crop, orchard, and scaled diversified veggie. You can see and support all the features here. More detail about current work towards these goals in gitlab can be found here.
If you have questions or want a personal review of this feature, please contact [email protected].