Open Collective
Open Collective

Our House


Making dignified, collective housing a reality for member-organizers.


Transparent and open finances.

View all transactions

Credit from Lee to Our House

Contribution #734677

Credit from Emily to Our House

Contribution #712255

Credit from Guest to Our House

Contribution #681283
Today’s balance

$300.02 USD

Total raised

$300.02 USD

Total disbursed

--.-- USD

Estimated annual budget

--.-- USD


Our land-insecure members are establishing quality, humanized homes.

We organize to take community ownership of the land: to heal it and be healed, to provide quality food, water, and shelter for our people, and demand sovereignty by the people without pretense. 

Community Ownership
Acquiring permanently housing for our community, expanding community organizing through housing security and the hosting of commons.

To heal & be healed

Providing for the organizing of the commons through community owned, cooperatively organized food, shelter & supportive spaces through agreements that are respectful, financially non-exploitative, and oriented around holistic, community wellness.

Sovereignty without pretense
Cooperatively governing commons and personal spaces, co-learning domestic stewardship skills, and embodying the housing justice members organize towards making a common reality.

For questions and non-monetary contributions, email [email protected]

Our team


Become a financial contributor.

Financial Contributions

Custom contribution
Help Right Now

Contribute to the most immediate needs of the project, at the discretion of Our households.

Starts at
$30 USD

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Recurring contribution
Be There For Us

Make our households part of yours with a monthly contribution.

Starts at
$3 USD / month

Latest activity by

Be the first one to contribute!
Bring Us Home

Help us purchase permanent housing and host public commons.

$0.00 USD of $300,000 USD raised (0%)

$3,000 USD

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Our House is all of us

Our contributors 3

Thank you for supporting Our House.


Help Right Now

$250 USD


Help Right Now

$30 USD


Help Right Now

$30 USD