Open Collective
Open Collective

Planning, Posting, Promoting: Content Creation for the Internet in 2018

Tuesday, July 3, 2018, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM (UTC-05:00)


Creating content for the Internet and the Social web has become quite complex and takes quite some time. During this event we’ll discuss the planning, the collection and the production of relevant content for the web. Be it a blog post, information for the web or the distribution and promotion on the social web. There is a reason why it’s called ‘a production’.

And the tools of production have changed considerably in the last five years, as has the content consumption habits of audiences. Or have they?

We’ll share your ideas and celebrate your wins of content delivery. We’ll pool tools and processes from the audience. We’ll also talk about technologies and habits of the 20th century, that are no longer useful to you in the modern internet world, and discuss suitable alternatives.

Birgit Pauli-Haack will lead through the discussion and talk about the various opportunities to capture and recap engaging moments in time for your donors and your supporters. She will also discuss how to optimize the processes and maximize visibility on the Internet. If there is time we’ll talk about how you can reuse existing content and newly package them for a different platform.


Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Greater Naples


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Total raised

$16.82 USD

Total disbursed

$16.82 USD

Estimated annual budget

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