Open Collective
Open Collective
Invitation for 21 September: Presentation of Green Urban Scenarios
Published on September 8, 2023 by Sebastian Klemm

Our next online meeting is part of the Germany-wide Climate Adaptation Week**

21 September, 2pm CEST

In this bilingual (German & English) online meeting, Dark Matter Labs and Lucidminds AI will show you their modular designed open-source software "Green Urban Scenarios". You will learn about current use cases along their collaboration with 4 offices of the state capital Stuttgart Germany.*
  • Most importantly, you will have space to ask questions and discuss how you may use Green Urban Scenarios for your points of interest.

    👉 Register for free & receive the meeting link

  • "Green Urban Scenarios (GUS)" is an open-source software that enables you to model the environmental services of city trees and urban forests and to support the climate adaptation in your city.

  • GUS uses artificial intelligence for agent-based modelling of tree growth and the corresponding environmental services by trees - such as carbon storage, particulate matter binding, water retention and cooling - for different tree species, soil conditions, tree densities, maintenance intensities and taking into account weather and climate changes.

  • "What if..." scenario building with GUS can support urban planners, tree managers and policy makers in effective action planning for nature-based solutions in their city.

  • Dark Matter Labs & Lucidminds AI also combine GUS with a GIS-based method called location-specific scoring: This overlay and weighing of location-specific vulnerabilities to climate risks in a city - heavy rainfall hazards, air pollution and heat islands - helps decision-makers to assess the most effective locations for maintaining and expanding green infrastructure to mitigate these risks across the city and map them accordingly in a project and investment portfolio.

  • Trees-As-Infrastructure (TreesAI) is an initiative by Dark Matter Labs and Lucidminds AI who are welcoming conversations with parties who want to test and apply their modular designed, open-source Green Urban Scenarios.

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  • *The collaboration with the City of Stuttgart is made possible by funding from the Stuttgart Climate Innovation Fund in the Ivy funding line for nature-based solutions, supported by The Nature Conservancy.

    **This online meeting is part of the Germany-wide Climate Adaptation Week from September 18-22, 2023: Together with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Centre for Climate Adaptation (ZKA) has launched the Climate Adaptation Week to raise awareness of good examples and pioneers in climate adaptation.