Open Collective
Open Collective

Contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion

Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)

Contribution #795492

From Laure to Scientifiques en rébellion

Paid With

Credit Card

Related Transactions

Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)
Received by Scientifiques en rébellion on
€50.00 EUR
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.00 EUR
Host Fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€3.00 EUR
Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)
Received by Scientifiques en rébellion on
€50.00 EUR
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.00 EUR
Host Fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€3.00 EUR
Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)
Received by Scientifiques en rébellion on
€50.00 EUR
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.00 EUR
Host Fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€3.00 EUR
Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)
Received by Scientifiques en rébellion on
€50.00 EUR
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.00 EUR
Host Fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€3.00 EUR
Monthly financial contribution to Scientifiques en rébellion (Germaine Tillion)
Received by Scientifiques en rébellion on
€50.00 EUR
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.00 EUR
Host Fee
Paid by Scientifiques en rébellion on
-€1.50 EUR
Collective balance
€10,093.60 EUR

Fiscal Host
All For Climate