Open Collective
Open Collective
Secondary fiscal hosting, what's up with that?
Published on September 13, 2023 by Maaret Pyhäjärvi

In 19 years of existence, Selenium project has found a home as Software Freedom Conservancy's member project. This means that fiscal and legal things are dealt within that organization, allowing the project to focus on its main purpose - software.  Software Freedom Conservancy hosts our financial assets, around $500k, and takes good care of our trademark and open license protection. 

While open source and community-governance are a solid foundation for continued partnership with Software Freedom Conservancy, changing times call for experimentation at this point of Selenium project existence. We want to experiment with the way of the day, fiscal transparency with an online tool and micro sponsorships. Setting this up with secondary fiscal host already running these services allows for experimenting what setting this up would mean.

To use Open Collective, an online funding platform for open and transparent communities, proprietary software, we set up a secondary fiscal hosting relationship with Open Source Collective -organization. Think of it like a second bank account. One is public annually (SFC), and one is public for every single transaction (OSC). The self-service aspects hopefully lower our cost of setting up a transaction, allowing us to even further focus on our main purpose. 

We are currently in the process of setting up our secondary fiscal hosting, starting with this Open Collective -page. We have also started the process of bringing microsponsorship opportunities to Selenium's GitHub with Github sponsoring starting with GitHub sponsor badges for monthly $2, also contributing to this Open Collective. 

Our traditional sponsorship models for website sponsorship and conference sponsorship continue to exist as they were, and Open Collective allows for us to set up a secondary route to those. 

On behalf of the Selenium Project Leadership Committee, 
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