Open Collective
Open Collective
Solid Fellowships updates and new Chrome Aurora funding!
Published on July 18, 2023 by David Di Biase


We're proud to announce that SolidJS has expanded its Fellowship programs. Commencing right away Solid will receive funding from a number of new sponsors including Google's Chrome Aurora fund as well as Eraser Labs.

Funding from these sources will be distributed via our OpenCollective under the SolidStart Fund and Solid Docs Initiative programs. The recipients of these funds are hand-selected community members who share a passion for expanding Solid's growth and the depth of its technical abilities. One of these new members will operate full-time for a 8-10 months while our two new Fellows will range between 3-4 months.

You may find information pertaining to the new funding and recipients at the following links:


We're very appreciative of our sponsors, our Fellows and for OpenCollective to help us receive and process these funds in an easy and simple manner.

Every dollar submitted to Solid's OC is utilized as efficiently as possible, stretching every donation to the maximum. If you are a current SolidJS funder, thank you so much for your generous donation. If you are not a Solid donor we encourage you to help us financially which allow us opportunities to perform research and development within the front-end JS development niche.


SolidJS Core Team