Open Collective
Open Collective
2023 OCF End of Year Update
Published on November 28, 2023 by Chris

1. What did you accomplish during 2023? How did you use money?

In 2023 we maintained cordial relations among us despite the big changes in our lives.

All money went to supporting some current organizers for work they have done.

2. What challenges did you face during 2023? What did your Collective learn? How did you change or grow? 

As an organization, we did not really face challenges since we took it very easy in the work to not burn out since 2020-2022 were super hard and we’re sort of resting from that while still staying slightly active and readjusting our lives.

I’m sure we’ve changed and grown in our different spheres but because we scaled back so much this year I’m not sure there’s much we learned collectively.

3. What are your plans for 2024? Anything exciting coming up?

2023 was a year of scaling back and rest. 2024 will be a year of jumping back in, possibly in a new configuration.