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The Art of Listening - Americas and Australasia

A course on Deep Listening, with Katie Carr

Monday, September 12, 2022, 5:00 PM - Monday, October 10, 2022, 7:30 PM (UTC-07:00)


The Art of Listening - Americas and Australasia

“People start to heal the moment they feel heard.” (Cheryl Richardson)

Source: aitoff on Pixabay

What is it?
This five week course will explore the lost art of deep listening, and is intended to support DA facilitators to deepen their skills and build their confidence in hosting ‘Deep Listening’ gatherings.

Deep Listening was the first hosted process within the DA Forum, offered on a weekly basis in different timezones. Many of you here were part of the original team of facilitators who offered this practice on a regular basis to members of the big DA Facebook group. You can read more about the principles of DA Gatherings here, and about the Deep Listening format here.

Previously, ‘training’ for facilitators involved participating in Deep Listening gatherings, becoming familiar with the format, before hosting or cohosting online. With this new training, you will be supported to explore more deeply the art of listening, in order to fully embody the principles and practice of deep listening. 

What happens when we simply listen - fully and with presence - to ourselves and to others? And what if we extend that listening to including the field itself, the essence of connection and co-created reality?

You will join in a journey of learning to listen, without agenda, expectations, or judgement. Together we will learn how to create a space in which people feel safe to share what is true for them, knowing they do not need to edit themselves, to make themselves smaller or bigger. By creating genuinely safe spaces, where everything is welcomed, we are enabled to identify, name, and begin to divest ourselves of the deeply ingrained conditioning 

As well as building your confidence and capability to host these essential and healing spaces for the people who have joined the Deep Adaptation forum, this course may also impact on your personal relationships and your ability to be present for your family and friends.

The global situation has changed dramatically since the first Deep Listening gathering was hosted in June 2019. Members have joined the DA group who have never heard of Jem Bendell or read the DA paper. Societal collapse is no longer a peripheral discussion; many people seem to have accepted that our trajectory towards collapse is inevitable, and are despondent, resigned, powerless. Deep Listening, in a way that invites people to slow down and give loving attention to the maelstrom of emotions and beliefs that lurk beneath that despondency, is an essential ingredient of inner deep adaptation; it is part of the DNA of deep adaptation.

What did previous participants say about it?
  • I so enjoyed ‘The Art of Listening’. As well as providing a solid grounding & oodles of confidence for hosting Deep Listening events it was a deeply nourishing space.
  • The Art of Listening course was very deeply nourishing, it covers not only what one would consider the technical parts but also the very human parts of holding space. I loved all of the exercises and the thoughtful work in between sessions. Very well recommended whether you want to host deep listening spaces or just to enjoy the nourishment of being with deeply caring facilitators. 
  • Wonderful program to dive into our inner world, embrace the emotions holed up in our guts and surface them as an invitation for others to dive into their worlds. Katie Carr holds a beautiful space where you can practice True presence, Three levels of communication, Who’s in, Earth listening, Wisdom circles and many other exercises. Enrol now and avoid the rush.
  • A beautiful, well held, deep and nourishing course. Gave me the confidence to start offering DL for DA- which I'm now currently doing. Highly recommend.
  • A wonderful opportunity to understand, practice, and consider how to invite others into various qualities of attentive and engaged listening…I have recently stepped into (co)hosting DL for DAF which feels like a wonderful way to be in service in these times.

First session takes place between 5-7.30pm PST on the 12th September, (which is 10am-12.30pm AEST on the 13th September) - check your start time here: 
Subsequent sessions take place at the same time on the 19th and 26th September, and the 3rd and 10th October.
This series is aimed at people in US and Australasia timezones.

How much does it cost?
The training is offered on a “pay what you can basis”. The suggested exchange is £50; you can pay more than that, or nothing. No-one will be excluded on financial grounds.

Who is it for?
There will be a maximum of 23 places, and is mainly open for current DA Facilitators. Participants who are willing to host or cohost regular Deep Listening gatherings for the wider DA network will be prioritised. There will be some spaces offered to participants outside DAF, in related networks and organisations, who are interested in DA and our facilitation approaches.

How to apply
Please apply using this form. Once you have completed the registration, please click here to make your donation. Your place will be confirmed after your donation is received. If for any reason you are not able to make a financial contribution, please complete the application form, and then email, and your place will be confirmed.

This training will be facilitated by Katie Carr, previously senior facilitator and founding member of the DA Forum Core Team. Katie continues to facilitate Deep Relating group processes within DAF, and has accompanied many people and groups through their journeys of learning and unlearning. She teach DA leadership, and offers one-to-one deep relating as a DA Guide.

Our team



Dorian Cave

Core Contributor

Aimee Fenech

The Deep Adaptation Forum is raising funds to s...


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Contribution #572127
Contribution #571333
Today’s balance

£177.58 GBP

Total raised

£367.58 GBP

Total disbursed

£190.00 GBP

Estimated annual budget

--.-- GBP