"Black Imagination as a Tool for Survival" Workshop Series
Published on February 6, 2022 by Laila Islam

All February, Group Residency Facilitators Reva Rutherford and Laila Islam will lead us in a series of virtual sessions where we will critically think of how we can work towards a utopia in real-time through creative practices
Click here to register for a workshop
See below for a description of each virtual art-making session:
2/9 6pm: Freestyle and Freewrite exercise!Β
Getting our feet wet in imaginative practices through freewriting + freestyling, methods used by many musical and literary afro futurists. Practicing persisting through challenges and leading our lives with an imaginative mindΒ
During this session, we'll play some tunes and beats, and collectively write whatever our hearts desire and whatever our minds conjure, sharing our ideas and writings throughout the session
(Recommended: Bringing a notepad, pen, an open mind, and an open heart! π)
2/16 6pm Collaging our Utopias! Assembling our ideas of what an ideal utopia, ideal self, or ideal environment looks like through found imagery. OR assembling a collage that tells a story or a mythΒ
This will serve as a primer for our last session, so we encourage participants to consider what inventions and technologies can support the ideal utopia/self/environment that they choose to model through their collaged work.
(Recommended: Bringing magazine scraps, old papers, mark-making utensils, and paper to the sess. You can also work digitally like facilitator Reva! π)
2/23 6pm Inventing!Β
Designing technologies that will support our envisioned utopias. The invention can be in the early phase of just a written idea, or fully-fledged and ready to be implemented into your life. Thinking of technologies as any kind of invention you can use as a tool/resource, your invention can look like a newly invented morning ritual for yourself, a new way to communicate with your friends, a new food sharing system, etc.Β
(Recc: Bringing whatever materials you see fit!)