Open Collective
Open Collective
Thanks for defending democracy with us 💪
Published on September 15, 2024 by Alex Ip

It’s easy to take for granted all the things we’re afforded by living in a democratic society. Things like the right to vote and a right to a free press are core to our existence in America, but these rights aren’t guaranteed forever just because we have them now. We have to fight to keep our rights each and every day, and fight for increased rights if we hope to see our country be a place where anyone can exist and thrive. 

Today is Democracy Day, a day when we—and news organizations across the U.S.—are coming together to both celebrate our role in preserving democracy and to bring awareness to all the ways democracy is under threat

We are less than two months away from another historic election, and we’re keeping you informed by producing stories about how states are protecting the right to vote in the fact of climate change-induced natural disasters.

We are only just scratching the surface of a crisis that is growing and happening at the local, state, and regional levels across our country in addition to the national level. The good news? You’re already helping us combat these issues by supporting our work as a donor. By donating to The Xylom, you ensure our reporters can keep uncovering truth, providing context, and asking hard questions. Thank you, truly, for helping us each and every day. 

If you’d like to make an additional donation in celebration of Democracy Day, you can do so at the button below. Today only, gifts up to $500 will be matched thanks to NewsMatch, a program run by the Institute for Nonprofit News.

I want to make an additional gift to The Xylom to celebrate Democracy Day

You can also further support our mission and the fight to save democracy by sharing our journalism with friends, family members, neighbors, or colleagues who you think would benefit from our work. 

Thank you for standing with us—this fight will take all of us, and we’re so glad you’re here.