Open Collective
Open Collective
OpenCollective Cancelling monthly Paypal donations
Published on February 9, 2024 by Kjeld

 Due to changing connected bank accounts in OpenCollective, all monthly recurrent PayPal donations got cancelled without warning.
This means your donation will not be renewed when using OpenCollective. They also, by accident, disabled paypal support complete, which we are working to resolve with OpenCollective.

This is a huge shock for us, if you are currently donating through OpenCollective on a monthly basis, please make sure this is setup correctly again.

We're sorry for the inconvenience and are pretty mad about this ourselves, but there is nothing we can do about it.

However, the connected dedicated bank account, can also be used directly for donations in EUR, without paypal or creditcard:
IBAN: NL05BUNQ2069001342

Lauren Gardner

Posted on February 11, 2024

Hi there, please email Open Collective support to inquire about transferring recurring contributions. For collectives that have given us a heads up they they are transferring to a self hosting model we've been able to help transfer donors who pay through Stripe so I hope the same is true with PayPal.


Posted on February 11, 2024

I did gave you guys a headsup.
There was no information given ANYWHERE that we would loose paypal subscribers over this.

Afaik paypal subscriptions cannot be moved by the recieving partner.
I did also contact opencollective and there seems to be nothing they can do.

I will not comment on this post byond this, we do not discuss finance related processes in public chat.
You've my email.