Contribution to WN4PAL - Overheads
Monthly financial contribution to WN4PAL - Overheads
Contribution #830902
From Guest to WN4PAL - Overheads •
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Credit Card
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Monthly financial contribution to WN4PAL - Overheads
Received by WN4PAL - Overheads on
£5.00 GBP
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by WN4PAL - Overheads on
-£0.29 GBP
Host Fee
Paid by WN4PAL - Overheads on
-£0.25 GBP
Financial contribution to the Open Collective Platform
Paid by Guest on
-£0.75 GBP
Monthly financial contribution to WN4PAL - Overheads
Received by WN4PAL - Overheads on
£5.00 GBP
Stripe payment processor fee
Paid by WN4PAL - Overheads on
-£0.29 GBP
Host Fee
Paid by WN4PAL - Overheads on
-£0.25 GBP
Financial contribution to the Open Collective Platform
Paid by Guest on
-£0.75 GBP