Invoice #25261 to Extinction Rebellion Mallorca | Rebel·lió o Extinció
Gastos de vida voluntaria
Submitted by Loren•Approved by Pulpo Paul
Sep 18, 2020
Total amount €906.46 EUR
Paid to
payout method
Collective balance
Expense policies
Expense policies
You can submit two types of expense:
Receipt: receipt for something you paid for that needs to be reimbursed. Expenses are generic and don't have the details of the person who paid.
Invoice: bill from the vendor directly addressed to the collective. They must be addressed to the collective at the attention of one of its members. If needed, here is a useful template.
=== ESP
- Siempre preguntar si alguna puede ofrecer lo buscado antes de realizar gastos
- Favorecer la economía local y de segunda mano
- Optimizar impacto medioambiental: solo comida vegana y local, no fast-fashion, no plásticos de un solo uso, etc.
- Todos los gastos y cualquier movimiento financiero debe respetar los 10 principios XR.
Se aceptan nuevas sugerencias alternativas vía email [email protected], estas se recopilarán y elevarán a votación en Asamblea General.
=== CAT
- Sempre demanar si alguna pot oferir el buscat abans de realitzar despeses
- Afavorir l'economia local i de segona mà
- Optimitzar impacte mediambiental: només menjar vegà i local, no fast-fashion, no plàstics d'un sol ús, etc.
- Totes les despeses i qualsevol moviment financer ha de respectar els 10 principis XR.
S'accepten nous suggeriments alternatives per correu electrònic [email protected], aquestes es recopilaran i elevaran a votació en Assamblea General.
How do I get paid from a Collective?
How are expenses approved?
Is my private data made public?
When will I get paid?
Why do you need my legal name?
Collective balance
€463.27 EURFiscal Host:
All For Climate