All For Climate UK
Supporting all movements for the climate with their printing expenses

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
£16,000 GBP since Jan 2020
£4,000 GBP since Oct 2020
£10,000 GBP since Nov 2019
£345 GBP since Jun 2021
All For Climate UK is all of us
Our contributors 10
Thank you for supporting All For Climate UK.
Xavier Damman
Rowan PFF
Jonathan Mintram
Janine O’Keeffe
Sophie Marple
April Jones
European Clim...
£16,000 GBP
Gower Street
£10,000 GBP
The Social Ch...
£4,000 GBP
Tim Bannister
£345 GBP

Transparent and open finances.
£383.80 GBP
£27,531.01 GBP
£27,147.21 GBP
--.-- GBP

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from All For Climate UK
Updates on our activities and progress.
2 minute survey to help us continue support you
IMPORTANT: very limited budget remaining!
We are expending our expense policy to help you organise online
Let’s get the discussion going! This is a space for the community to converse, ask questions, say thank you, and get things done together.
Zoom account please
Published on March 17, 2021 by Mandy Caldon
Hello, is it possible to get help with a zoom account, if only for a few months or so please? Precious Earth Art Collective raise awareness of climate crisis via exhibitions and events and are aiming for an exhibition in Autumn. We need onl...
Any money left?
Published on September 22, 2020 by Lotte Akehurst
Hi just seen the update about money running out. Are you not accepting new applications at the moment?
6 Sheet Posters Swansea XR
Published on August 22, 2020 by Non
Hello, We would really like to print large posters for subvertising bus stops, to alert the people of Swansea area about climate crisis and what extinction rebellion are doing. We have some public locations and opportunities in mind. We hav...

Getting funding for local groups is hard
How frustrating.
The money is often trapped within NGOs and foundations with slow and highly bureaucratic application processes, but the energy is within movements where local groups don’t have the time nor the structure to apply for that money.
We have raised £30k that we will use to reimburse printing expenses made by local groups in the UK working for climate justice (Extinction Rebellion, Fridays for Future, (Grand) Parents for Future, ...). This is a first trial and if successful, we intend to raise more money and expand the programme to other countries (if you want to create such fund in your region, please let us know, we will help you!).
How does it work?
- You print stickers, flyers, posters, leaflets, pin badges, banners at any printshop in the UK
- You take a picture of the receipt and submit it as an expense to our open collective (or you ask the vendor to directly file their invoice)
- You share on social media (twitter, facebook, instagram) a picture of the printed material with the hashtag #allforclimate from the social media account of your group (it has to have at least 50 followers or likes)
- You share the URL of that social media post as a comment to your expense along with a link for other people to download the source file of what you printed (so that others can copy and adapt!)
- You will be reimbursed via your PayPal account (or the vendor will be paid via their bank account)
- You are a grassroots group for climate justice based in the UK (you don't have a legal entity)
- Your social media accounts must have at least 50 followers / subscribers (social proof).
- You must provide a valid receipt or expense dated in the past 2 weeks.
- You must agree with Our Principles & Values
- Maximum £500 per local group per month (to make sure many different groups can benefit)
Who are we?
Our team
Xavier Damman
Rowan PFF
Jonathan Mintram
Janine O’Keeffe
Sophie Marple
April Jones