Open Collective
Open Collective

Renovating the Brewery

Part of: Alversjö

Fixing up the Brewery at Alversjö, so all parts of the building are usable.


Transparent and open finances.

Contribution #646401
Contribution #646401

Fee Carpenter

from Schmoni to Renovating the Brewery
-€1,050.00 EUR
Today’s balance

€3.15 EUR

Total raised

€1,853.28 EUR

Total disbursed

€1,850.13 EUR

Estimated annual budget

--.-- EUR


The church crew plans to renovate the Brewery at Alversjö. The inner wall will come down to make the ground floor bigger and feel more spacious. The hole in the floor in the back of the building will be restored. We will also fit a safe staircase to connect the main floor with the basement. The ceiling will be spray painted to prevent dust from the toxic roof panels to spread into the air. On top of this, doors and broken windows will be fixed to make the building a safe space for activities at Alversjö.

Together with your help, the brewery will became a safe space for interesting activities at Alversjö, as well as a potential next level mind blowing experience of The Church at Borderland 2023.

Material - 25 000  sek 
Professional Labor - 60 000  sek 
Logistics (fuel and trailer) - 5 000  sek 

Total cost - 90 000 sek

Our team

Today's Balance
Total Renovation Budget


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+ 52

Renovating the Brewery is all of us

Our contributors 57

Thank you for supporting Renovating the Brewery.



€145 EUR

Anton Ullenius

€250 EUR

Erik Bergman

€200 EUR


€100 EUR

Felicia & Max

€100 EUR

Björn Bergenheim

€100 EUR

Jonathen More...

€70 EUR

Tim Gremalm

€50 EUR