Arataki Impact Fibre ISP
Fiscal Host: Gift Collective
Arataki Systems (AS) is a Māori owned, whānau (family) owned company that provide end to end technology solutions and services.

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$5,000 NZD since Dec 2022
Spark Foundation
$5,000 NZD since Dec 2022
Arataki Impact Fibre ISP is all of us
Our contributors 5
Thank you for supporting Arataki Impact Fibre ISP.
Lee Timutimu
Amber Craig
Core Contributor
Hiria Te Rangi
Core Contributor
Spark Foundation
$5,000 NZD
$5,000 NZD

Transparent and open finances.
-$500.00 NZD
-$2,000.00 NZD
-$500.00 NZD
Today’s balance$1,056.34 NZD
Total raised
$9,064.70 NZD
Total disbursed
$8,008.36 NZD
Estimated annual budget
--.-- NZD

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from Arataki Impact Fibre ISP
Updates on our activities and progress.
First planning hui completed!
We had our first planning hui (virtual meeting) today, myself, Amber and Hiria. It was a great opportunity for us to reconnect, and formulate our plan of action for the coming months. We're looking forward to getting stuck into the mahi! Wi...
Published on June 6, 2023 by Lee Timutimu
Project start date postponed
Nga mihi o te tau hou pakeha! Happy new year to all. Just a quick update to advise that we have decided to move the proposed project start date to 1 March 2023. This is because we have not yet achieved our full funding goal. We are also wai...
Published on February 1, 2023 by Lee Timutimu
Bring on 2023!
Kia ora koutou, hi everyone! We're incredibly grateful to those that have made contributions so far. Thank you. And we are really looking forward to kicking off this phase of work in the new year on 1 February 2023. We'll be sure to post re...
Published on December 19, 2022 by Lee Timutimu

Arataki Systems (AS) is a Māori owned, whānau (family) owned company that provide end to end technology solutions and services. Founded in 2016, we are a tech company based in the Waikato and Bay of Plenty regions, wholly owned and run by Māori tech entrepreneurs. We have 60+ years of collective IT experience and 30+ years of experience working with Iwi and Māori communities. We have a team with decades of experience in various aspects and skill sets spanning the technology industry. Amongst this vast experience is years of practical and hands on experience in educating people on how to use technology in its many forms.
In 2020, AS delivered a digital literacy programme around the North Island to upskill and educate Marae and their trustees. It was a privilege helping our people and communities to upskill through digital literacy. We strongly believe that improving the digital literacy and skills of our whānau will help them to safely navigate the many challenges of a rapidly changing digital world. It was during the delivery of this programme that we were asked by our Marae communities whether we could offer an affordable fast internet product. This got us to thinking about what we could do to design and then develop an affordable fibre Internet service for all communities.
With this project, we will explore what an Impact fibre ISP could look like by engaging with our community networks around Aotearoa New Zealand. Our over arching goal is to assist with decreasing the digital divide that exists within lower socio-economic communities by creating an affordable and accessible fibre (fast) internet service for all New Zealanders.
Joining us on this project are Amber Craig and Hiria Te Rangi, both of whom are leaders in the Māori tech community. They will be lending their extensive experience in tech as well as their strong connections into Māori communities.
In 2020, AS delivered a digital literacy programme around the North Island to upskill and educate Marae and their trustees. It was a privilege helping our people and communities to upskill through digital literacy. We strongly believe that improving the digital literacy and skills of our whānau will help them to safely navigate the many challenges of a rapidly changing digital world. It was during the delivery of this programme that we were asked by our Marae communities whether we could offer an affordable fast internet product. This got us to thinking about what we could do to design and then develop an affordable fibre Internet service for all communities.
With this project, we will explore what an Impact fibre ISP could look like by engaging with our community networks around Aotearoa New Zealand. Our over arching goal is to assist with decreasing the digital divide that exists within lower socio-economic communities by creating an affordable and accessible fibre (fast) internet service for all New Zealanders.
Joining us on this project are Amber Craig and Hiria Te Rangi, both of whom are leaders in the Māori tech community. They will be lending their extensive experience in tech as well as their strong connections into Māori communities.